Tuesday, 7 February 2012

18 Month checkup today

A week late, actually, but Ben's doctor is so popular that you have to book months in advance for physicals - and I didn't! (I did this time, I've already booked his 2 year appointment for early August!).

Ben's vital stats after today's 18 month checkup: 35 1/4 inches high (89.5 cm) and 30lbs (13.6 kg). Our pediatrician was lovely as ever, and seriously shocked/impressed by how tall Ben is. He's only 88th percentile for weight now, but a steady 95th for height. Dr Herman did a bit of staring at charts, and then said "Ben's going to be way over six foot. Is your husband tall?"
I said something about dad being 6'5", and there being a few six-foot-tall women on mum's side of the family, and then may have mentioned that my husband is perfect in every regard, including his height of 5'11."  Let's hope that Ben doesn't get taller than us both at the exact same time as teen stropping descends!
In other news, he's doing all the right talking/walking/smiling/flirting/waving/high-fiving that he should be doing, and the medical professional used the words "growing like a weed!" several times, so I assume that's a technical term.  He's also really into his pop-up tunnel at the moment, and will crawl through it to a waiting parent before delivering a loud, often rather damp kiss. "MWAHH!" and then a self-satisfied chuckle. Tom and I have decided that there is no greater bliss.

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